Break Free from What's Holding You Back


Are you stuck in any area of your life? Does it feel like there’s a block? That might be your subconscious programming getting in the way.

Take a few minutes to listen to my FREE 21-minute hypnosis audio. Relax into waves of comfort and connect to your inner resources. Recharge your energy and tap into your true potential with this hypnotic track, and you’ll notice an immediate shift, along with instant momentum.

"I think the world of you and the work that you do."

— Dr. Elizabeth Lindsey

CEO of EARTH ONE & UN Visionary Award Recipient

Hi, I’m Mari!

At the start of my journey, I dealt with feelings of inadequacy and childhood trauma. That led me to a high-paying job on Wall Street and financial success. As I began to heal myself, my calling and desires started to surface. Eventually, I left that career path in my mid-30s, became a mother to two beautiful children and dedicated myself to charitable endeavors.

For 13+ years, as a life upgrade expert, hypnotist, NLP practitioner, stress management consultant and life coach, helping women feel great and achieve their goals gets me out of bed in the morning. That’s why I created this hypnosis audio to help you get momentum and upgrade your life to be the best you can be. It’s my gift to you.

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