Dissolve That Stress


Imagine feeling less stress, moving through your day with ease, clarity, and a sense of inner peace.

The truth is that stress and anxiety can impact you more than you realize. It can affect your sleep, decision-making, work productivity, energy levels, and more. Having a calm mind is a superpower, and this FREE 15-minute hypnosis audio will transport you to a calm state of expanded awareness so that you can slow down, breathe deeper, and focus on the present.

"I think the world of you and the work that you do."

— Dr. Elizabeth Lindsey

CEO of EARTH ONE & UN Visionary Award Recipient

Hi, I’m Mari!

At the start of my journey, I dealt with feelings of anxiety and childhood trauma. That led me to a high-paying job on Wall Street and financial success. As I began to heal myself, my calling and desires started to surface. Eventually, I left that career path in my mid-30s, became a mother to two beautiful children and dedicated myself to charitable endeavors.

For 13+ years, I've been a life upgrade expert, hypnotist, NLP practitioner, stress management consultant and life coach. Helping women feel great and achieve their goals gets me out of bed in the morning. That’s why I created this hypnosis audio to help you feel calmer and upgrade your life to be the best you can be. It’s my gift to you.

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